LOCATION: Via Limite, Campi Bisenzio Firenze, Italy ARCHITECT: Giovanni Michelucci DATES: 1960-1963 NOTES: Also known as Chiesa di San Giovanni Battista; Chiesa dell’ Autostrada translates to “Church of the Highway”. Site Visit: Mon Jun 23 2014 ______________________________ RELATED LINKS http://www.turismo.intoscana.it/allthingstuscany/tuscanyarts/chiesa-autostrada-highway-church/
All posts filed under “Italy”

TOMBA BRION-VEGA | San Vito D’Altivole
LOCATION: Via Brioni, 28, Altivole Treviso, Italy ARCHITECT: Carlo Scarpa DATES: 1969-1977 Site Visit: Mon June 16 2014 ______________________________ For starters, the satisfaction of simply reaching this place is significant. Located in rather remote village outside of Venice, the Tomb is reached by means of […]