By some wonderful fluke a first class seat for the Glasgow to London train was less expensive than coach. I happily munched on my complimentary snacks and drank a million cups of tea as we cruised down to London.
Monthly archives of “January 2014”

Whereas Edinburgh was a dense, easily walkable city, Glasgow’s scale was noticeably larger. The building styles were more diverse and the city certainly felt younger (by comparison). While in Glasgow, I had the great pleasure of meeting with Ross Brown, whose Scottish Brutalism website I […]

GLASGOW | Excursion: East Kilbride
Today I took the train out of Glasgow past small farms and technicolor sheep to East Kilbride, a suburban town just a few miles southeast of the city. My primary destination was St Bride’s Roman Catholic Church (click the link for a detailed post), but there were a […]

LOCATION: Platthorn Drive, East Kilbride, Scotland [55.7629°N, 4.1682°W] ARCHITECT: Gillespie, Kidd & Coia DATES: 1957-1964 NOTES: Grade A listed (1994), RIBA Bronze Medal Located just a few miles southwest of Glasgow, St Bride’s Roman Catholic Church is one of Scotland’s better known examples of Brutalist […]

IN TRANSIT __ Edinburgh to Glasgow
Zooming through the Scottish Countryside at dusk.

LOCATION: Edinburgh, Scotland ARCHITECT: Ian Burke & Martin (1964 Competition Entry); Elements completed by Hugh Martin & Partners following Ian Burke’s death DATES: 1964-1973 NOTES: Currently under redevelopment, with proposed demolition in 2018 For such an expansive building, it was surprisingly tucked away. I came upon […]

And so it begins… While London was to be the main focus of the UK leg of my trip, I stumbled upon University of Strathclyde student Ross Brown’s impressive website chronicling his Master’s research project Scottish Brutalism and on a bit of a whim decided to […]